rekon webhook notifications

Understand how you will receive notifications from rekon



Set up your webhook

Before you can read and understand this page, you need to create your webhook in the rekon tool. We recommend visiting our knowledge center to learn how to register webhooks. You can find more information about rekon webhooks here.

Remember that every time you create a webhook in rekon, kiban will automatically generate an API key. This API key will be included in all of our notifications. Its purpose is for you to validate the notifications and verify that they are from rekon.

Types of notifications

Currently, rekon provides the following notifications:

  • Notification of a payment: You will receive this notification via webhook whenever we detect that one of your clients has made a payment to your account.


Soon more notifications

We are actively working on providing you with more notifications. Please stay tuned to this documentation and our newsletters to learn more about kiban services.

Notification of a payment

Below, you will find an example of the JSON that we will send you each time a payment is received from your clients to your account and the description for each field.

    "payment": {
        "id": "6516e779be74bcbac3394811",
        "paymentMethodType": "speiByKiban",
        "speiByKibanDetail": {
            "operationDate": "2023-09-29",
            "senderInstitution": "40012",
            "senderAccount": "123456789123456789",
            "senderRfc": "KIB911001CH3",
            "trackingKey": "MBAN01002309290071326765",
            "amount": 1,
            "beneficiaryAccount": "646180262000100404",
            "concept": "prestamo"
          "nameOrBusinessName": "INDUSTRIAS KIBAN",
          "status": "RECONCILED"
FieldInner FieldInner FieldTypeDescription
createdN/AN/AStringDate and time the payment was made
eventTypeN/AN/AStringIndicates the type of notification you are receiving, the possible values are:
- PAYMENT. indicates that it is a notification of a new payment
PaymentN/A/NAObjectMain object that will contain all the information of the payment received
idN/AStringIdentifier assigned by rekon
paymentMethodTypeN/AStringIndicates the way in which the payment was made. Currently, the only possible value is "speiByKiban".
speiByKibanDetailN/AObjectObject where rekon places the data received from the SPEI transfer
operationDateNumericOperation date returned by transaction SPEI with format YYYY-MM-DD
senderInstitutionNumericBanking institution from which the payment was made according to the BANXICO institutions catalog.
senderAccountStringCLABE account with 18 digits of the person who made the payment.
senderRFCStringRFC or CURP of the person who made the payment.
trackingKeyStringTracking key assigned by the person who made the SPEI transfer
amountNumericpayment amount
beneficiaryAccountStringCLABE account with 18 digits of the person who made the payment.
conceptStringConcept that defines the person who makes the transfer.
rekonN/AObjectObject with information that is allocated in rekon
clientIdStringID of the user who made the payment.
nameOrBusinessNameStringName of the person who received the payment according to the financial information of the received account
statusStringIndicates the payment status.
- RECONCILED, the payment was made and reconciled satisfactorily