NIP validate

API to validate the NIP


With this API you will carry out the steps 2 and 3 for the authentication process to the SICs (Buró de crédito and Círculo de Crédito).
With this API, the 6-digit NIP code sent in step 1 for the authentication process of the query to a SIC will be validated.

Important points


Execute two times this API

This endpoint must be executed for both steps 2 and 3 of the NIP authentication process. In other words, you need to run this service twice to successfully validate the NIP before querying a SIC.

Required fields

The required field on this endpoint is the next:

  • nip the 6-digit NIP sent to the customer by the provided method


NIP in sandbox

Remember that in the sandbox environment we do not send a real NIP, so you must place in this field the consecutive numbers from 1 to 6 (123456) to simulate the NIP sent.

Example of the request:

   "nip": "318958"


You have a total of 3 attempts to successfully validate the PIN on each run. If you exceed this number of attempts, the flow will fail immediately and you will not be able to continue validation. If you make a mistake at least once but then enter the PIN correctly, the attempt counter will be reset for the next validation.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!