Get workfloo status

API to get the status of a workfloo


With this API you can retrieve the specific status for an executed workfloo.

Important Points

Path Parameters

Is necessary to send the workflooId to recover the specific request data.


This API will return the following structure in the response

nameThe name of the workfloo
statusThe estatus of the workfloo, the possible values are:

- SUCCESS, the execution ended successfully
- PROGRESS, The execution is in progress and you must take actions to complete it
- ERROR, An error occurred during execution
currentNodeTypeIndicates the current node type, values ​​are:

currentNodeNameindicates the name of the node (current step)
currentNodeIdcurrent node identifier
linkIf LINK is present in currentNodeType, the structure of the link service will be reported in this field. This structure may vary depending on the link service consumed.
formIf the currentNodeType has FORM, this field will report the structure of the form that must be sent to continue with the execution. This structure may vary depending on the link service consumed.

Not found

If you provide an Id that does not exist, as a wrong response you will receive an HTTP code 404 without a body.



It means that the provided API KEY is incorrect and you are not authorized to access it. You will not receive a body, only a 401 HTTP code.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!