Execute a workfloo

First API to start the workfloo execution process


This API allows you to start the execution of a workfloo. It is the first endpoint that you must consume in order to run your origination process.

Important points

To make the request it is only necessary to provide the workfloo ID generated in the workfloo platform.

idWorkflooDefinitionAlphanumericYesProvide a valid workfloo Id.
scenarioIdAlphanumericNoProvide a valid test escenario Id, it is required when the request is applied in sandbox environment.

It is mandatory to provide the workfloo identifier as a parameter in JSON request, which you must have created previously. In order to create a workfloo, we recommend you visit our knowledge center.

You can find the ID in the workfloo creation URL, in te ID copy section.

And also in the historic section selection the copy ID button:

Example of the request body:

    "idWorkflooDefinition": "657117e1d511b6e54fe2a967",
    "scenarioId": "6571181fd511b6e54fe2a968"

Test the workfloo (Pruebas)

In order to test a workfloo in the sandbox environment, it is necessary that you have previously created a Testing scenario in the workfloo tool for more details see our Knowledge center.

Once you have created your test scenario, you will need to obtain its ID. You should provide this ID in the request body, just like you did to obtain the workflow ID:

  • From the defined Pruebas URL.
  • From the edit view of the defined Pruebas.
  • From the history of Pruebas

Successful response

A successful response will return the execution id of the workfloo, you must save this id, because it will be mandatory to pass it to the following endpoints to complete all the steps defined in your workfloo.

field NameDescription
idExecution identifier, it will be the data that you must use to execute your next steps in the workfloo
    "id": "64a8bc288de4164da93f339c"

Listing the possible error responses

Required idWorkflooDefinition

You will get a 400 bad request error when the idWorkflooDefinition is not provided in the request body.

    "typeError": "REQUIRED_FIELDS",
    "errors": {
        "idWorkflooDefinition": "required"
    "errorMessage": ""

Required scenarioId

You will get a 400 bad request error when the idWorkflooDefinition is not provided in the request body.

    "typeError": "ELEMENT_NOT_EXIST_ERROR",
    "errors": null,
    "errorMessage": "scenarioId not found"

Does not exits scenarioId

The scenarioId provided does not exist, the service will return the following error 404.

    "typeError": "ELEMENT_NOT_EXIST_ERROR",
    "errors": null,
    "errorMessage": "scenarioId not found"


It means that the provided API is incorrect and that you are not authorized to access it. You will not receive a body, only a 401 HTTP code.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!