

This API is meant to query Círculo de Crédito - Personas Físicas (Consumers' database).
In the answer the XML files sent to and received from Círculo de Crédito will be included.

Important points

encabezado section

This key is provided from Círculo de Crédito.

If you need more information about the products, please reach out to your Círculo de Crédito contact

Círculo de Crédito credentials

"usuario" : a code provided by Círculo de Crédito to identify your company
"claveOtorgante" : username to identify the person who is going to do the query.
"contraseña" : password for the provided claveOtorgante.

if you want to use "Vault", you can provide variables instead of hardcode the credentials.
For example, instead of writing :

"encabezado": {
    "claveOtorgante": "0123456789",
    "contrasena": "USER123456",
    "usuario": "230714"

You should use the next:

 "encabezado": {
    "claveOtorgante": "@vault:secretVaultName:1",
    "contrasena": "@vault:secretVaultName:2",
    "usuario": "230714"

Where secretVaultName is the name of the credential created in vault.
:1 means that link take the first tuple value of the vault credential with the name "secretVaultName".
:2 means that link take the second tuple value of the vault credential with the name "secretVaultName"

For more information about vault, please visit our knowledge center in this link or visit the API related to vault in this link.

To test the call in our sandbox environment we recommend using this credentials:
claveUsuario: KK25251001
contrasenaUsuario: kiban123

detalleConsulta section


It can be any alphanumeric data of a maximum of 25 characters to identify the query, the same data sent is received in the response.


Is the key of product requested, this field should be filled with the information provided from Círculo de Crédito. The complete catalog is available here


Type of the account provided from Círculo de Crédito. The complete catalog is available here


The key of the currency, the accepted values are:

  • MX, for Mexican Pesos
  • UD, for Unidades de Inversión
  • US, for USD dollars.


Is a positive numeric value that indicates the total amount of credit requested, indicate a maximum of 9 digits.


It can be any alphanumeric data of a maximum of 25 characters to identify the query, It is a signature number associated with the authorization of the consumer to be consulted, this data allows "Círculo de crédito" to reconcile the authorization of the consultation with its system.


Identifier of the authentication by the grantor. This number is exactly returned in the response by "Círculo de Crédito"

autenticacion section

The "autenticacion" segment within the inquiry should only be submitted if you are using this process to receive autograph authorization from your customer to check their credit report.

Otherwise: please don't use the segment.


Authorization way

You need to validate with Círculo de crédito the way in which your inquiries are authorized, to validate that your client properly authorizes being consulted. We strongly recommend to review it with your Círculo de Crédito contact. Also you can use our NIP Bureaus authentication service to authenticate your inquiries. For more information you can see the NIP Bureaus post in our knowledge center.

Fields for datosPersonales

In the mandatory fields only example, you can see within the "datosPersonales" section, the fields "apellidoMaterno" and "segundoNombre". If the individual you want to check, doesn't have a "apellidoMaterno" or "segundoNombre" please leave the fields blank. The other fields are mandatory to request the person.

Test the service (test cases)

We included a query param in Sandbox so you can query test cases that we created to run tests.
In order to obtain the response you shall fill the query param with:

completo: it sends back a response with all existing fields

credenciales: it sends back an error message when the username and/or password provided by Círculo de Crédito is/are not correct.

bloqueado: it sends back an answer when the credit report has been blocked by the consumer. For more information on that feature, please refer to your Círculo de Crédito contact.

Quick tip

You can send a unique ID in "numeroReferenciaOperador" to identify the query and associate it to your client.
You will receive the same ID in the response "numeroReferenciaOperador".

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!