Buró de Crédito - Personas Físicas

APIs to query Buró de Crédito consumers' database


This collection of APIs is focused on Buró de Crédito - Personas Físicas (Consumers' database).

API: Query

This Query API will allow you to query Buró de Crédito - Personas Físicas (Consumers' database). In the examples listed on the right, we included two type of queries:

  • mandatory fields only
  • complete query

Even though the "mandatory fields only" is more than enough to obtain a successful answer, we considered the option of you willing to send more data to ensure the hit of the query.



For the query to be processed, you need to send a compliant RFC and an existing zip code in Sepomex database.

We will be releasing APIs to check those fields really soon.

API: Get All Elements

This Get All Elements API is made to retrieve the history data from a previously executed queries.

API: Get by Id

This Get By Id API is made to retrieve the specific information of a previously executed query.


With this PDF API you can download the PDF document with the original Credit Bureau format of the queries made in kiban.

API: Authentication Audit

With this Authentication Audit API you can generate a file requested by "Buró de Crédito" when the "autenticación" segment is used to authorize the query.

API: NIP Audit

With this NIP Audit API you can generate a file requested by "Buró de Crédito" when the query authorization process is carried out through NIP.

API: Password expiry date

With this Password expiry date API you can recover the date on which your Credit Bureau password will expire, in order to update it on your own or through our Change Password API.

API: Change password

With this Change password API you can apply the password change for your credit bureau account


The catalogs page contains all necessary codes and information to fill a field.