Password expiry date


With this API, you can validate when a Buró de Crédito password for a company will expire.

Important points


To validate the password is necessary to provide the next fields

claveAlphanumericYes10User code provided by the credit bureau for a company.
contrasenaAlphanumericYes8Provide the currently active password.

Successful response

To know the fields of a successful response you should see our example called Result in the response section.

Inside the response object you will get the next field.

field NameDescription
fechaExpiracionIt will indicate the date on which your password will expire.
    "id": "6699c0090e17d41228c1e799",
    "createdAt": "2024-07-19T01:23:21.467062984Z",
    "finishedAt": "2024-07-19T01:23:21.699983348Z",
    "duration": 232,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "request": {
        "clave": "FF12345678",
        "contrasena": "P4SSW0RD"
    "apiData": [
            "url": "",
            "duration": 105,
            "request": {
                "date": "2024-07-19T01:23:21.594212251Z",
                "body":"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<bc-request-envelope version=\"1.0\">\n    <bc-request>\n        <credentials member=\"FF12345678\" password=\"P4SSW0RD\"/>\n        <service name=\"getExpirationDate\"/>\n    </bc-request>\n</bc-request-envelope>"
            "response": {
                "date": "2024-07-19T01:23:21.699977109Z",
                "body": {
                    "fechaExpiracion": "08/29/2022"
                "httpCode": 200
    "response": {
        "fechaExpiracion": "08/29/2022"

Test the service (test cases)

We have included a query parameter in Sandbox to enable you to query the test cases that we created for running tests. To get a response, fill the testCaseId parameter with any of the following cases:

1663567bb713cf2110a11067aFecha de Expiración credenciales inválidasIndicates that the expiration date could not be obtained due to a credentials error
2663567bb713cf2110a110679Fecha de Expiración exitosoIndicates that the expiration date was successfully obtained


Test your own test case

In case you want to test your own test case created in link, you can send in the testCaseId parameter the identifier of the test case you want to use.

For more information visit our knowledge center to know more about test cases

Listing the possible NOT SUCCESS responses

Length error

You will get a 400 bad request error when the length of any of the parameters are not correct.

        "code": "LENGTH_ERROR",
        "message": "should be 10",
        "field": "clave"
        "code": "LENGTH_ERROR",
        "message": "should be 8",
        "field": "contrasena"

Empty Error

You will get a 400 bad request error when you nor provide any of the parameters.

        "code": "EMPTY_ERROR",
        "message": "can't be empty",
        "field": "contrasena"
        "code": "EMPTY_ERROR",
        "message": "can't be empty",
        "field": "clave"

Error Credentials

You will receive a 401 bad request error if the data provided in any of the parameters does not match with the correct value registered in BC.

    "id": "6699be3b0e17d41228c1e77a",
    "createdAt": "2024-07-19T01:15:39.751679484Z",
    "finishedAt": "2024-07-19T01:15:39.754777678Z",
    "duration": 3,
    "status": "SERVICE_ERROR",
    "errorMessage": "Error credentials clave y/o contraseña incorrecta para BC",
    "request": {
        "clave": "%/&$&#$&/)&()YHghkgjfhg",
        "contrasena": "/&/&)/&/TGYGyg6587tghj"

Test case not found

If a test case parameter is not sent or a value other than those mentioned above is sent, the service will return the following error 400 bad request

        "code": "EMPTY_ERROR",
        "message": "test case not found with given id",
        "field": "testCaseId"

It is because you did not send the identifier of a testCase that you created in the test cases section within the kiban link tool, required in sandbox if you don't send testCaseId parameter.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!