Círculo de Crédito - Personas Morales

APIs to query Círculo de Crédito legal entities database


This collection of APIs is focused on Círculo de Crédito - Personas Morales (Legal entities database).

API: Query

This Query API will allow you to query Círculo de Crédito - Personas Morales (legal entities database). In the examples listed on the on the documentation, we included the different type of queries:

  • mandatory fields only
  • complete query

Even though the "mandatory fields only" is more than enough to obtain a successful answer, we considered the option of you willing to send more data to ensure the hit of the query.



For the query to be processed, you need to send a compliant RFC and an existing zip code in SEPOMEX database.

Here is the documentation to check the postal code via API : https://docs.kiban.cloud/reference/sepomex
Here is the documentation to check the RFC via API : https://docs.kiban.cloud/reference/rfc-sat

API: History

This History API is made to retrieve the data from a previously executed query.


The catalogs page contains all necessary codes and information to fill a field.