SAT collection

Collections of APIs related to SAT services


Within this collection, you will find all the functionalities that we have developed in "Kiban Cloud - Link" related to SAT services.

Below, we provide a list of the available services.


This collection of APIs allows you to validate if a CFDI (a Comprobante Fiscal Digital por Internet), if it is real and exists in the SAT system.

This Validation for a CFDI will allow you to validate a list of RFCs in the SAT site. For each element of RFCs and data sent, a response is returned indicating If the CFDI is valid and exists in SAT system.

APIs: Constancia de situación fiscal

The Constancia de Situación Fiscal is an act that allows knowing the status of taxpayers in the SAT. It is a reference on the legality of the taxpayer's fiscal situation. In a similar way to the CIF, this certificate serves as tax identification for natural and legal persons.

This Obtaining constancia de situación fiscal will allow you to obtain a Constancia de situación fiscal for a person or a company.

APIs: Generate an RFC

This collection of APIs are focused on generate RFC's with homoclave for Personas Físicas and Personas Morales.

Generate RFC PF

This Generate RFC PF will allow you to generate an RFC with homoclave for Personas Físicas.

Generate RFC PM

This Generate RFC PM will allow you to generate an RFC with homoclave for Personas Morales.

APIs: Get Data from the RFC.

All the services related to obtaining the personal data associated with an RFC. If you only have the RFC of your client and want to obtain the personal data, you can use this set of APIs to retrieve the information of a PF (Persona Física) or a PM (Persona Moral).

Data from a RFC of a PF

This Obtaining Personal Data from a PF RFC will allow you to obtain personal data from a PF RFC.

Data from a RFC of a PM

This Obtaining Personal Data from a PM RFC will allow you to obtain personal data from a PM RFC.

APIs: Validate RFCs.

All the services related to validate an RFC.

To see all the available APIs of this service, enter this link.