
With this API you will be able to generate the Círculo de Crédito Personas Morales PDF in its original format.

There way to get the PDF is by the query identifier for the Círculo de Crédito service request created in link.

Request PDF by ID

For this request, you need to send the query ID that was returned in the query to the Link service for the Círculo de Crédito query API.

In this case the Content-Type should be application/json and the body should be a JSON.

    "id" : "6328b666418dd07558ec4f97"

Test the service (test cases)

We have included a query parameter in Sandbox to enable you to query the test case that we created for running the file. To get a response, fill the testCaseId parameter with the following case:

166d8fb746002dab5823643a0Respuesta exitosaSuccessful credit report response PDF


Test your own test case

In case you want to test your own test case created in link, you can send in the testCaseId parameter the identifier of the test case you want to use.

For more information visit our knowledge center to know more about test cases


To know the possible responses, please refer to the examples in the Response section.

A successful response will contain the file in a field called pdfBase64 with the string in base64 to be transform.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!