Query Círculo de crédito - Personas Físicas por kiban

Query for a circle credit report to Personas físicas by kiban


This API is meant to query Círculo de Crédito - Personas Físicas (Consumers' database).
With this API you can make queries to this service without worrying about the entire contracting process with the SIC.

Important points

Request parameters

In the examples section, we put two body examples:

  • Complete: To see all the fields that you can send in the query and make a more exact match of the natural person you are looking for.
  • Mandatory Fields: Query with the minimum necessary data of a natural person.

Below we explain the structure of each field in the request body:

Field nameSubfieldSubfieldSubfieldTyperequiredDescription
ObjecttrueObject that will contain parameters required by kiban.
productoRequeridoCatalogtrueIndicate the Círculo de Crédito product by kiban that you want to obtain.
personaObjectfalsePerson object
detalleConsultaObjectfalseDetail object
folioConsultaOtorganteTextfalseTo define an internal ID, this will be returned in the response
importeContratoNumberfalseIndicate the total amount requested
tipoCuentaCatalogfalseIndicate the value of tipocuenta.
claveUnidadMonetariaCatalogfalseIndicate a value of the Unidad Monetaria Catalog.
numeroFirmaTextfalseSignature Number associated with the consumer's authorization to be consulted.
numeroSolicitudTextfalseAuthentication identifier. It is returned in the response
datosPersonalesObjecttruePersonal data object
apellidoPaternoTexttrueLast name
apellidoMaternoTextfalseSecond last name
apellidoAdicionalTextfalseAditional last name
primerNombreTexttrueFirst name
segundoNombreTextfalseSecond Name
fechaNacimientoTexttruedate of birth
nacionalidadCatalogfalseNationality. Nationality, for Mexican send MX, for any other case you can use the cca2 Country code
residenciaCatalogfalseIndicate a value of the residence catalog
estadoCivilCatalogfalseIndicate a value of the marital status catalog
sexoCatalogfalseIndicate a value of the gender catalog
claveElectorIFETextfalseClave elector
numeroDependientesNumberfalseNumber of dependants
fechaDefuncionTextfalsedate of death
domiciliosArraytrueAddresses array
direccionObjecttrueAddress object. Send maximum 3 items
direccionTexttrueStreet and number
cpTexttruePostal code
estadoCatalogfalseIndicate a value of the states catalog
fechaResidenciaTextfalseDate started living at the address in format yyyy-mm-dd
numeroTelefonoTextfalsePhone number
tipoDomicilioCatalogfalseIndicate a value of the address type catalog
tipoAsentamientoCatalogfalseIndicate a value of the type of settlement
empleosArrayfalseJobs array
direccionObjectfalseAddress object. Send maximum 3 items
direccionTextfalseStreet and number
cpTextfalsePostal code
estadoCatalogfalseIndicate a value of the states catalog
nombreEmpresaTextfalseCompany Name
numeroTelefonoTextfalsePhone number
extensionTextfalsephone extension
faxTextfalseFax number
fechaContratacionTextfalseHiring date in format yyyy-mm-dd
claveMonedaCatalogfalseIndicate a value of the currency catalog
salarioMensualNumberfalsemonthly salary
fechaUltimoDiaEmpleoTextfalseTermination date in format yyyy-mm-dd
cuentasReferenciaArrayfalseArray of strings to indicate máximum 4 accounts id
tipoTexttrueAlways indicate nip
idTexttrueEnter the NIP process ID

authorization section

Remember that your client must authorize their query to Círculo de Crédito. At kiban we authorize these queries by sending a NIP.

You will notice the fields, "tipo" and "id".

 "authorization": {
    "tipo": "nip",
    "id": "645a74e7dda9781161e787b"

"Tipo" should always be filled with "nip" and the "id" should be the id that you will recover from the the validate nip call.

To obtain the id in the validate nip call, it is mandatory to have performed the complete NIP Bureaus process.

Test the service (test cases)

We have included a query parameter in Sandbox to enable you to query the test cases that we created for running tests. To get a response, fill the testCaseId parameter with any of the following cases:

166845633c43478b838722200Consulta reporte de créditoSuccessful credit report response
2676068eb249525c68e3d3933Error TimeoutA response indicating a time out error


Test your own test case

In case you want to test your own test case created in link, you can send in the testCaseId parameter the identifier of the test case you want to use.

For more information visit our knowledge center to know more about test cases

Data cleaning

Before sending the data to Buró de Crédito, kiban cloud performs data cleaning, necessary to prevent Buró de Crédito from sending back an error.

Here are the validations and transformations we are performing:

  • Validate that the data you included is alphabetical.
  • Remove the accents.
  • Replace the letter Ñ by N.
  • Remove the special characters.
  • Put letters in uppercase.
  • Remove spaces at the beginning and end of values (trimming).
  • Allow compound surnames, for example, Del Toro.
  • Do not allow two names in the primerNombre field.
  • Remove commas from the address field.
  • Split the address if it is greater than 40 characters : we then send the address in two different fields (40 caracteres max per field) to Buró de Crédito.

If you detect transformation in the data that you included in your call, this is because of the rules mentioned above, required to make a successful call to Buró de Crédito.

Successful response

In the responses section we have included an example with all the possible fields that you may receive in the response.
This response corresponds to the way in which Círculo de Crédito returns the information of each of its elements.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!