Validate Cedula Profesional

Service to obtain and validate a Cédula Profesional


This API allows you to obtain and validate a Cédula Profesional from the SEP system.

Important points

Required parameters

The required fields in this endpoint are:

  • nombre
  • paterno

The optional fields are:

  • materno
  • idCedula

The response will contain all the information associated with the name of the person searched. For example, if we search for Mr. Pierre Dupont with the following request body:


The service will return all the Alexandre grin registered in the SEP system.

    "id": "644326039021342fbce2a112",
    "createdAt": "2023-04-22T00:10:43.223300471Z",
    "finishedAt": "2023-04-22T00:10:43.561215566Z",
    "duration": 337,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "request": {
        "nombre": "Pierre",
        "paterno": "Dupont"
    "response": {
        "results": [
                "anioExpedicion": 2013,
                "genero": "Hombre",
                "institution": "UNIVERSIDAD FRANCESA",
                "nombre": "JAVIER PIERRE DUPONT LAZARO",
                "numeroCedula": "8186600",
                "profesion": "LICENCIATURA EN PEDAGOGÍA",
                "tipoCedula": "C1"
                "anioExpedicion": 2005,
                "genero": "Hombre",
                "institution": "UNIVERSIDAD LA SALLE",
                "nombre": "PIERRE DUPONT",
                "numeroCedula": "123456789",
                "tipoCedula": "C1"
                "anioExpedicion": 2006,
                "genero": "Hombre",
                "institution": "UNIVERSIDAD DE NORMANDIA",
                "nombre": "IVAN PIERRE DUPONT JEREMIAS",
                "numeroCedula": "4680767",
                "profesion": "LICENCIATURA EN CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS",
                "tipoCedula": "C1"
        "status": "FOUND"

To be more specific, you can provide the materno field in case the person has a second last name.

If you have the Cédula Profesional value, it can be sent in the request:


To validate if that Cédula Profesional really exists in the SEP system, the response must have only one element.

    "id": "644326039021342fbce2a112",
    "createdAt": "2023-04-22T00:10:43.223300471Z",
    "finishedAt": "2023-04-22T00:10:43.561215566Z",
    "duration": 337,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "request": {
        "nombre": "alexandre",
        "paterno": "grin"
    "response": {
        "results": [
                "anioExpedicion": 2005,
                "genero": "Hombre",
                "institution": "UNIVERSIDAD LA SALLE",
                "nombre": "PIERRE DUPONT",
                "numeroCedula": "123456789",
                "tipoCedula": "C1"
        "status": "FOUND"

Successful response

To learn about the fields of a successful response, please refer to the examples in the Response section.

Test the service (test cases)

We included a query param in Sandbox environment, so you can query test cases that we created to run tests.
In order to obtain the response you shall fill the query param with:

  • cedula_notFound: it sends back an answer with the status "NOT FOUND" to indicate that the query was not found on the SEP system by the provided Cédula.

  • cedula_success: it sends back an answer with the status FOUND and the element found in the results list.

  • nombre_notFound: it sends back an answer with the status "NOT FOUND" to indicate that the query was not found on the SEP system.

  • nombre_success: it sends back an answer with the status FOUND and a list of all the possible results found.

  • notValid: it sends back an answer with the status "NOT_VALID" to indicate that the query was not found on the INE system.

  • unavailable: it sends back an example of unavailable service response.

Possible Errors

Required fields

You will get a 400 bad request error when any of the parameters are not provided in the request body.

    "nombre": "REQUIRED_FIELD_ERROR; EMPTY_ERROR; can't be empty",
    "paterno": "REQUIRED_FIELD_ERROR; EMPTY_ERROR; can't be empty"

Invalid format

You will get a 400 bad request error when any of the parameters do not conform the specific length

    "idCedula": "INPUT_ERROR; must contain only numbers",
    "materno": "INPUT_ERROR; must contain only letters and spaces",
    "nombre": "INPUT_ERROR; must contain only letters and spaces",
    "paterno": "INPUT_ERROR; must contain only letters and spaces"

Unavailable service

    "id": "64372bb5a30f81498806f46d",
    "createdAt": "2023-04-12T16:07:49.641005-06:00",
    "finishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "duration": 0,
    "status": "INTERNAL_ERROR",
    "errorMessage": "El servicio no se encuentra disponible",
    "request": {
        "idCedula": "12345",
        "materno": "navarro",
        "nombre": "arturo",
        "paterno": "ahuactzi"
    "response": {
        "message": "El servicio no se encuentra disponible",
        "status": "UNAVAILABLE"

Test case not found

if a test case parameter is not sent or a value other than those mentioned above is sent, the service will return the following error 400 bad request

    "testCase": "EMPTY_ERROR; test case not found"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!