This APIs are a complement to your calls to the APIs of SICs (Sociedades de Información Crediticia that could be Buró de Crédito or Círculo de Crédito). If you want to authenticate your query to the SICs by NIP, you must run the endpoints defined in this section and link this process to your query to the bureaus.
This NIP Bureaus process could be applied for the next services:
- Buró de crédito - Personas Físicas
- Reporte de crédito - Personas Físicas por kiban
- Reporte de crédito especial - Personas Físicas por kiban
- Buró de crédito - Personas Morales
- Reporte de crédito - Personas Morales por kiban
- Círculo de Crédito - Personas Físicas
- Círculo de Crédito - Personas Físicas por kiban
Send NIP
This Send NIP API is the step 1 in the process to authenticate the request to the SICs. In the examples listed on the right, we included the 3 different type of queries:

This API is a complement to the step 2 of Validate NIP, it is mandatory to finish the process and validate the PIN to complete the authentication process.
Validate NIP
This process details the complete authentication process for requests to the SICs. The examples on the right include a successful request and the possible errors in the service.

By executing this API and applying steps 2 and 3 of the NIP validation process, you can complete the process. To authenticate your query with the SIC, use the specific SIC method. To see how each API query for the NIP process works, please visit the required SIC service mentioned in the Intro.