Get All Obtaining a CSF


With this API you can get all the executions made to the Obtaining a CSF service.

Important Points

Pagination Parameters

The next two pagination parameters are mandatory to do the request.

  • itemsPerPage, number of items by page, should be an integer between [1, 1000]
  • page, the page index, should be an integer greater than 0

The next two parameters are required if you want to filter by a period:

  • from
  • to

Both parameters are a string date and the format must comply with format ISO 8601.


The next errors can be returned if there is a problem with the request body or the execution of this service:

Errors by required field:

    "itemsPerPage": "ERROR_QUERY_PARAM_EMPTY",

Errors by an incorrect format:

    "itemsPerPage": "ERROR_QUERY_PARAM_FORMAT; should be integer value, [1, 1000]",
    "page": "ERROR_QUERY_PARAM_FORMAT; should be integer value, > 0",
    "from": "FORMAT_ERROR; Invalid date format. The format must comply with format ISO 8601",
    "to": "FORMAT_ERROR; Invalid date format. The format must comply with format ISO 8601"

Kiban will return a list of items with the next structure:

    "currentPage": 1,
    "hasNextPage": false,
    "items": [
            "id": "65600ac52bacd50889a58413",
            "createdAt": "2023-11-24T02:30:29.444Z",
            "finishedAt": "2023-11-24T02:30:29.713Z",
            "duration": 269285388,
            "status": "SUCCESS"
  • currentPage, the actual recovered page
  • hasNextPage, indicate if there are more pages
  • items, list of items in the request
    • id, identifier of the request.
    • createdAt, date time with the exact moment of creation.
    • finishedAt, date time with the exact moment of finalization.
    • duration, indicates how long it took to execute the service.
    • status, status of the request
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!