Check a PF is in the Prevención de Lavado de Dinero (PLD) list
This API lets you request a person and validate its compliance with control lists against Prevención de Lavado de Dinero (PLD) and terrorist financing, ensuring effective and accurate detection.
Important points
To make the request it is necessary to provide the following parameters in the request.
field | type | required | Description |
nombres | Alphabetic | Yes | Provide the name of the person to consult. |
apellidoPaterno | Alphabetic | Yes | Indicate the individual's first surname. |
apellidoMaterno | Alphabetic | No | Indicate the individual's second surname. |
vault | Alphabetic | Yes | Provide the name of the vault secret where you have configured your access credentials for the Círculo de crédito services. For more information please visit our knowledge center to know more about vault secrets. |
You can find examples of the various response types within the call's examples.

Test the service (test cases)
We have included a query parameter in Sandbox to enable you to query the test cases that we created for running tests. To get a response, fill the testCaseId parameter with any of the following cases:
Num | Id | Name | Description |
1 | 663567bb713cf2110a110697 | No encontrado | Indicates that the person was not found |
2 | 663567bb713cf2110a110696 | Respuesta exitosa | Indicates that the person was found |
Test your own test case
In case you want to test your own test case created in link, you can send in the testCaseId parameter the identifier of the test case you want to use.
For more information visit our knowledge center to know more about test cases
Possible Errors
Empty fields
You will get a 400 bad request error when any of the required parameters were not provided.
"code": "EMPTY_ERROR",
"message": "can't be empty",
"field": "nombres"
"code": "EMPTY_ERROR",
"message": "can't be empty",
"field": "apellidoPaterno"
"code": "EMPTY_ERROR",
"message": "can't be empty",
"field": "vault"
Vaul secret not found
You will get a 404 Not Found error when the provided secret was not found the vault section
"errors": {},
"errorMessage": "vault not was found"
Test case not found
if a test case parameter is not sent or a value other than those mentioned above is sent, the service will return the following error 400 bad request
"code": "EMPTY_ERROR",
"message": "test case not found with given id",
"field": "testCaseId"
"code": "EMPTY_ERROR",
"message": "test case not found",
"field": "testCase"