Personas Físicas [Deprecated don't use]


This API is meant to generate an RFC with homoclave for Personas Físicas. Kiban cloud use the algorithm provided by the SAT to generate the exact RFC.
In the answer the complete RFC with the homoclave will be included.

Important Points

Mandatory Fields

All the fields in the body are mandatory and kiban cloud performs validations on the information sent to detect special characters or incorrect formats.

Test cases

This API has no test cases because kiban cloud always will return an example as generated RFC, to recover the real RFC will be necessary to apply the request in production environment.

The next errors can be returned if there is a problem with the request body or the execution of this service:

"EMPTY_ERROR" a specified field can't be empty.
"CONTAINS SPECIAL CHARS", special characters are not allowed
"FORMAT_ERROR;  expected format: yyyy-mm-dd" a wrong birthdate format was provided

Possible responses

The only possible response is the RFC generated in production environment or a static RFC for sandbox environment
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!